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Development status
  • There are 105 cleaning products manufacturing enterprises in Wangli Town, which are mainly distributed in three industrial parks of Cangnan County Circular Economy Small and Micro Park, Ma'an Cotton Spinning Industry Small and Micro Park, and Wangli Town’s Handi Park-Xiabao Circular Economy Pioneer Park, among which are above the scale There are 21 enterprises, more than 8,000 industrial workers in the industry, and an annual output value of 2 billion. It accounts for about 50% of cotton yarn products in China’s cleaning products industry. The products are sold in more than 120 countries and regions abroad. It is commonly seen in large foreign chain retail companies such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour. It frequently appears at well-known exhibitions at home and abroad. The well-known brands of the company have widely entered the NBA, hospitals, Asian Games, high-speed rail, high-end star hotels, airports, and many large foreign-owned factories, office buildings, and cleaning service companies.
  • Adhere to the six-year six-park development goal, and use it to house cleaning products companies to enter the park for development. Two parks are under construction, two parks have completed the preliminary procedures and are waiting for construction, one park is undergoing demolition of the old area, and one park is in deep planning. They are Cangnan County Circular Economy Small and Micro Enterprise Pioneer Park, Wangli Town Ma'an Cotton Spinning Small and Micro Industrial Park, Wangli Town Xiadi Park-Xiabao Circular Economy Pioneer Park and Wangli Town Luocuo Village Class I Industrial Industrial Base Land (A -15a plot) construction project. The Cangnan County Circular Economy Small and Micro Enterprise Pioneer Park has a total land area of 144 acres and is divided into 5 blocks. At present, some blocks have been accepted and put into production. The remaining blocks are expected to be completed in June. The land area is 44.8 acres, which is currently in the finishing phase of the ancillary projects. It is expected to complete the inspection income in May; the total land area of the Circular Economy Pioneer Park in Xiadiyuan Village and Xiabao Village, Wangli Town, has been fully constructed in November last year and is currently under pile foundation The project is under construction; the land for the construction of the first-class industrial base in Luocuo Village, Wangli Town (A-15a plot), with a total land area of 23 mu, will be completed in April this year, and the construction is expected to be fully commenced in May. Bei'ao Village’s comprehensive land remediation project has a total investment of 800 million yuan and a total area of 4,078.41 mu. The project includes six districts and one park. The modern small and micro park can centrally resettle cotton spinning enterprises in the village. The demolition of the old area has been initiated. The Wushiling Small and Micro Park in Wushiling will resettle the cotton spinning enterprises in Wushiling Village through comprehensive land consolidation. The project is under active planning.
  • mmerce Pioneer Park, it will continue to expand the foreign trade network economy and increase the cultivation of the domestic network economy. In 2020, it will be awarded the "China Taobao Town", and the total output value of the domestic and foreign network economy will be 150 million yuan. Carry out a series of e-commerce training activities such as Amazon incubation classes to help companies optimize cross-border e-commerce operations, promote brands efficiently, and achieve greater economic benefits.

  • Wangli Town is located in the hub of traffic arterial roads, and a series of transportation infrastructure construction has played a role in boosting the development of the cleaning products industry. The main roads Wahai Line and Qianwang Line were upgraded and reconstructed in 2019; Lingyan Line was upgraded and reconstructed in August 2020 and completed in January 2021; Wangxin Line was upgraded and reconstructed in December 2020 and is currently under construction In; Guanzaoyan Highway is under construction; Rui-Cang Expressway is under policy processing.

Our Story
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Our future development plans.


Recently, after being recommended by relevant departments and reviewed by an expert evaluation team, Wangli Town, Cangnan County, Wenzhou City, was awarded the honorary title of "China's first town of cleaning products" ...